5 Effective Tips On How To Increase Height In Month

Here's How you can Increase your Height in 30 Days

Many people are self-conscious about their height and spend a lot of time wondering how to appear taller. You’d be surprised to learn that your height isn’t entirely based on genetics. In fact, there are several environmental factors that have an influence on your body and even your stature.

I have collected some tips that can help you increase height in just 30 Days!


Proper exercise helps in toning and strengthening your muscles, releasing the growth hormones which are responsible for height gain.Systemic exercise or sports are known to improve height. While it can’t drastically increase your height, it can surely help you to get an inch taller and to become a bit more flexible.

Doing stretches can also have some beneficial effects. Exercises that stretch your spine and elongate your body are really effective when trying to add an inch or two to your height.

Jumping jacks

Start with your feet together and your arms by your sides, then jump up with your feet apart and your hands overhead.
Return to the start position then do next rep. This exercise provides a full body workout and works all your large muscle groups.

Butt Bridge

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Put your arms flat at your sides.Then lift your butt up ad down.

Calf Stretch Left and Right

Stand one big step away in front of a wall. Step forward with your left foot and push the wall with your hands.
Please make sure your right leg is fully extended and you can feel your right or left calf stretching. Hold this position for few seconds.
Swimmer and Superman

Lie on your stomach with your arms extended straight overhead. Alternately lift your opposite arm and leg.

Left and Right Leg Lateral Raise 

Stand and hold a chair with your right or left hand to keep balance.
Lift your left or right leg to your left or right side respectively as much as possible. Return and repeat.

Forward Bend

Stand on the floor with your feet together.
Then bend your body and bring your upper body as close to your legs as you can.
Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat.
Exhale when you bend your body and inhale when you come up.keep your legs straight during the exercise.

Kneeling Lunge Stretch Left and Right.

Start in a push-up position. Bring your left or right knee forward and drop your right and left knee respectively on the floor.
Raise your upper body and put your hands on your waist. Then push your hips forward while keeping your upper body straight.
Please make sure your front knee won't go over your toes. Hold this position for a few seconds.

Cat Cow Pose

Start on all fours with your knees under your butt and your hands directly under your shoulders.
Then take a breath and make your belly fall down, shoulders roll back and head come up towards the ceiling.
As you exhale, curve your back upward and let your head come down. Repeat the exercise.
Do it slowly with each step of the exercise.

Double Knees to Chest

Lie down on your back with your legs extended.
Bend your knees and bring them up toward your chest; hug your knees with both hands. Hold for a few seconds.


It is also a well-known fact that growth depends on certain external factors and nutrition is one of them. Poor height can be a result of slow growth due to inadequate nutrition. Thus, following a balanced diet is absolutely essential for improving growth prospects, particularly during the adolescence years to get a well-built body. Proper food and exercise is required to achieve the optimum height and body weight. Ensure that your body gets different types of nutrients in order to build strong muscles, ligaments and tendons. A lot of calcium, minerals, vitamins and proteins should be included in your diet. Here is what you need to your diet specifically as food for increasing height.

A healthy diet should be rich in vegetables, fruits, proteins and carbohydrates. Milk, lean meats, vegetables, and nuts should always be present on your dinner table.
Try to maintain schedule for food intake. Eat three times a day at the same time with small, healthy snacks in between.

3.Growth Hormone Stimulators

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4. Proper Sleep

During sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. In children and teens, sleep also helps support growth and development. The damage from sleep deficiency can occur in an instant (such as a car crash), or it can harm you over time.

5.Avoid Growth Inhibitors

A lifestyle rich in growth inhibitors, such as smoking or drinking alcohol inhibits the growth of our body. By eliminating these inhibitors our body can repair fast and helps in our proper physical and mental growth. 

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